Manorapid is a highly effective poly alcohol formula that when rubbed
on your hands for 20-30 seconds kills bacteria and fungi with a log
reduction rate of 5.33
Manorapid has a special lanolin-derivative emollient that ensures your skins stays soft and smooth after each application even under the harshest winter conditions found in Canada.
That is a lot of germs! 99.999.33% is not your average sanitizer.
Manorapid has a special lanolin-derivative emollient that ensures your skins stays soft and smooth after each application even under the harshest winter conditions found in Canada.
Manorapid is a proven formula used in scores of countries and for
over 40 years has helped prevent infections in hospitals and nursing
Manorapid is a liquid antiseptic that out performs other gels and foam products on the North American market.